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March 2022
Information Problems in AutocracyFebruary 2022
Is Fairness in the Rules?07:
National Self-Defense and Just War TheoryJanuary 2022
School Choice as Occupational Choice21:
Bernie Sanders says that police departments are socialist institutions. Is he right?December 2021
Gifts of the MagiNovember 2021
Why I'm Skeptical about the University of AustinOctober 2021
A New Argument for a Dworkinian Theory of Legal InterpretationSeptember 2021
What Motivates Egalitarians?August 2021
I Am Now Immune to Criticism 16:
The Afghanistan Disaster: A Case of Unjust War Exit06:
Why Don't Socialists Take Exploitation Seriously?04:
Why Was Rawls's Work So Bad?: Some SpeculationJuly 2021
Against MSB's Curve21:
Put Harriet Tubman on the $20 Bill and Norman Borlaug on the dime08:
If You Hate Your Job, Embrace Capitalism07:
What If Understanding Politics Is Beyond Many Citizens' Capacities?June 2021
Paternalism and Capacity11:
Koch Money and Double Standards10:
Dismissal Strategies in Political Thought08:
Koch Grants and Government Grants: What's the Difference?May 2021
Huemer's *Knowledge, Reality, and Value*: The Best Intro Textbook Ever!19:
If We’re Egalitarians, How Come We Aren’t More Worried about Grades?05:
Must Good Samaritans Vote?April 2021
In Defense of Effective Altruism29:
Rawlsians' and Libertarians' Analogous "Cruelty" towards Needy Strangers27:
An Epic Handshake: How Epistocrats and Deliberative Democrats Agree 21:
Our Rights Do Not Disappear Because a Cop Has a Bad Day12:
Fall 2021: The Obligation to Disclose09:
The Unseriousness of Democratic Theory09:
The Central Simple Silliness of Philosophical Republicanism02:
Call for Papers: Special Issue of Implications PhilosophiquesMarch 2021
Against the Heckler's Veto: Why We Should Ignore the Welfare of People Who Choose Not to Vaccinate Out of Paranoia 15:
Did Georgetown Violate Its Own Speech Policy by Firing An Adjunct Professor?11:
The Kit Kat Problem10:
Reflection and the Value of Non-interference, or Why I am Bad at Tennis03:
Why We Should Cancel Dr. Seuss: How the Sneetches Perpetuates RacismFebruary 2021
The Story Your CV Tells25:
Jason Stanley, a Play in 3 Tweets23:
Why Don't People Resent Celebrities' Wealth?18:
Why Are Apostates So Often Dumb?15:
Shay's Rebellion14:
How the *New York Times* Writes Hit Pieces on Bloggers12:
The Inductive Argument Against Wokism 10:
Censorship: Ideal Theory vs Non-Ideal Theory09:
Why Both Consensus and Dissensus Are Bummers08:
Some Thoughts on Tom Brady07:
Some Puzzles about Trust: Which to Fix First?01:
"The Argument in the Pocket" Move: Bullying Behavior in Political Theory January 2021
Should We Deprioritize Teacher Vaccinations?26:
Some Free Advice for Will Wilkinson25:
Business-Government Relations Reading List25:
If You Can Sell a Kidney to Yourself, Why Can't You Sell It to Someone Else?23:
Is It Time to Boycott Niskanen? Why Jerry Taylor Must Resign22:
Isaac Pigott, Literary Critic, Reviews the Nistaken Center Play. 22:
The Niskanen Center, a Play in Four Twitter Quotations20:
What Happens to Those We Rightly Cancel?14:
Is Trump the Worst US President?13:
So Much For the Rational Political Interests Theory of Trump10:
Electoral and Procedural Legitimacy for Democratic Skeptics07:
On the Summer's and Winter's Violence07:
When Is It Okay to Storm the Capitol?05:
Safety is a normative judgment 04:
The Competence Principle and American GovernmentDecember 2020
Who Will Save the World?19:
Bad Faith in Football and Politics18:
Which Right-Wing Nationalist Said This?17:
Why, of All The Things Philosophers Dispute, Is Trans Identity Sacred?15:
Glaeser on What's Wrong with Contemporary Capitalism09:
Appiah on the "Whiteness" of Jews: Some Bullets He Might Not Want to Bite 09:
Stupid Language Policing: "Illegal Immigrants"08:
Teaching to Mastery: Some Pedagogical NotesNovember 2020
*Good Work If You Can Get*: Get It for 40% Off!24:
Politics As Religion18:
Left-Wing Nationalism Is a Right-Wing View17:
Moralism and Disease: Someone Please Write This Book10:
Philosophers on the 2020 US Election08:
War and Freedom06:
Grading the News05:
Knowing the Odds and the Rationality of Voting: The Typical Voter Is in the Dark 05:
Polling Errors and the Rationality of Voting02:
Why You Should Probably Not Vote to Change the OutcomeOctober 2020
I Dare Nando's to Serve Democratic Meals24:
Democratic Egalitarian Socialism Contra Open Borders23:
The Probability of Being Decisive and the Ethics of Voting20:
More on Cowen's Pro-Lockdown Stance18:
Is Cowen's State Capacity Libertarianism a Pipe Dream?17:
When Would There Be a Duty to Vote?16:
The Barrett Nomination Undermines Democracy: A Short Dialogue with Commentary15:
Harper's Magazine Forum on Voting15:
Do You Undermine Democracy by Encouraging Your Rich, White, Privileged Friends, Colleagues, and Students to Vote?14:
If You Don't Vote, You *Can* Complain13:
Why Biden's Non-Committal Stance on Court-Packing Should Give Conservatives Pause12:
More on the Supposed Expressive Duty to Vote09:
There is No Expressive Duty to Vote09:
The Simple Argument for Not Being Friends with Anyone with Different Political Opinions09:
How Not to Argue for the Significance of Voting08:
When Does Style Become Substance?: On Evaluating the Trump Presidency08:
Liberty and State Capacity07:
Principled Non-Voting: Guest Post by John Hasnas05:
Leader of World's Largest Pedophile Ring Strongly Denounces Institutions Which Reduced Extreme Poverty by 55 Percentage Points Over Last 50 Years03:
Split Personality Disorder about Wanting to Be Rich02:
Why It's OK to Want to Be RichSeptember 2020
The Debate Will Be Terrible25:
Georgetown's MSB Doesn't Want Us to Teach to Mastery 19:
On Waiting Until After the Election to Fill the Seat19:
The Supreme Court: Sixth-Grade Civics vs. the Reality18:
Princeton Plays with the Bull and Gets the Horns17:
Is Working Hard Good?16:
Rawlsianism, Utilitarianism, and the Asymmetric Use of Extraordinary Counterexamples16:
The Problem with Measuring Merit 12:
Calling Irish People White Is Racist and Imperialist 10:
In Defense of Openness Podcast10:
Racism and Sexual Assault: Why Don't Universities Choose to Shut Down?09:
Share This Post with Your QAnon Conspiracy Theorist Facebook Friends and Family07:
The Rules Made Me Do It!06:
A Modest Suggestion: It's Time for Georgetown to Take an Even Stronger Stance Against Imposing Risk 05:
The Value of Democracy and the Value of a Vote05:
Noble, Authoritarian Georgetown Needs Your Help in Regulating Student Behavior03:
Revenge Is a Dish You Best Not Serve to the InnocentAugust 2020
On Looting and Burning28:
More on Angry Mobs28:
Three Arguments for a Duty to Vote (With Replies)28:
Routledge's WHY IT'S OK series28:
The Intuitive, Presumptive Wrong of Interference27:
On "Silence Is Violence"25:
How to Argue for a Duty to Vote24:
Does Nonpolitical Altruism Ignore the Root of the Problem?24:
What Would Public Justification Actually Look Like?23:
Why It's OK to Ignore Politics22:
In Defense of Lori Loughlin19:
What Does the Original Position Prove?18:
Public Reason Liberalism and the Problem of Correct Answers18:
More on the Therapist/Negotiator Analogy18:
Public Reason Liberalism Is Not the Great Savior18:
Parochial Public Reason: What Public Reason Liberals Have in Common with Con Law Theorists and Biblical Interpreters17:
Public Reason Liberal's Spirit of Dispute Resolution?: Nah, Just More Parochialism 17:
Why Don't Public Reason Liberals Engage in Public Justification? 16:
What Should We Do When People Disagree? 16:
Responding to Vallier's Defense of PRL 15:
Georgetown Revises Its Community Compact14:
Resisting The Mask Mandates13:
On Trails, Trespassing, and What Neighbors Owe to Each Other12:
Why Isn't Public Justification Trivial and Easy to Satisfy?12:
If We May Only Compare Sweden to other Northern European Countries...11:
When Might Virtue Signaling Be Virtuous?10:
Are You Virtue Signaling? 09:
Sophisticated Divine Command Theory is Also a Bad Theory--and So Are Social Contract Theories 09:
Why Associative Theories of Obligation and Rights Aren't the Whole StoryAugust 2020
University of Southern Maine's President Wants Faculty to Sign an Anti-Racism Pledge07:
The Counterintuitiveness of Authority06:
The Indispensability of Unilateral Coercion05:
Solving Coordination Problems: Still Not Authority04:
Did the Lockdowns Work?July 2020
Christians should be anarchists28:
Is Micro Schooling Morally Permissible?28:
Three Concepts of Democracy26:
More on Mask Mandates24:
Georgetown's COVID-19 Compact and My Response23:
A New Type of Objection to Commodification?22:
What Counts as Political Knowledge?21:
If You're an Egalitarian, You Shouldn't Be So Rich20:
The Demographic Objection to Democracy19:
Mask Mandates and Politics 17:
Cato Unbound on *Injustice for All*: Malcolm Responds16:
Some Additions to the Philosophical Lexicon15:
Political Anti-Liberalism and the Overlapping Consensus on Twin Earth15:
Perverse Incentives Created Our Dysfunctional Criminal Justice System14:
Which Original Position?13:
Justice Is Not a Team Sport12:
The Theology of Liberalism10:
Blood Plasma: Peter Jaworski vs. the Hired Guns at Bloodwatch 09:
The Harm Principle and Toleration: An Interview with JS Mill08:
Confronting Marx's Bigotry08:
Moral Talk Is Not Magic: From Grandstanding07:
Protesting Police and Policing Protests05:
Violent Protest and Harmful Intent04:
Is Politics like a Relationship?04:
Is Academia a Right-Wing Institution with a Left-Wing Cover?03:
Announcing Radical Classical Liberals Blog03:
Call Outs, Proportionality, and Liability03:
*Grandstanding* by Justin Tosi and Brandon Warmke02:
A Hayek-Inspired Puzzle about Majority Rule 02:
The Necessity of Economic Growth: Why Growth Beats Global Redistribution01:
Zwolinski on Adjuncts vs. Actual Sweatshop WorkersJune 2020
Two Worlds on One Street: Guest Post by John Hasnas29:
Liberalism at Work 29:
Jerry Taylor, Badass Action Hero29:
The Weight of Public Reason28:
Masks and Motivations27:
Moral Catastrophes and Progress26:
Milton Friedman's Immigration Radicalism26:
Political Legitimacy or First-Degree Rights Violations?25:
Would Democracy Benefit from More Competent Voters? You Already Believe It24:
Moral Philosophy's Moral Risk: Should You Deplatform Yourself?23:
SSC vs. NYT 23:
Deliberative Democracy Needs Liberal Culture20:
The Fantasy of Individualism?20:
Faith and Distrust19:
The Epistemic Burdens of Imposing Lockdowns18:
Who Receives Rawlsian Transfers?18:
Public Justification for X- and Y-People17:
Rawls Against Global Capitalism17:
The Society to Nation-State Slide16:
Equivocation about Classical Liberalism 16:
Small Government and Effective Government15:
Yes, Politics Must Be War14:
Let's Also Purge the Left's Racist Heroes and Influences13:
All the Monuments12:
Social Democracy as the Politics of White Supremacy11:
Paternalism and Policing11:
Public Choice Explains Our Criminal Justice Crisis10:
Rawls and the Philosophical Imagination 09:
The Liberalism of 600 Channels 08:
Social Cops